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Яков Кротов. Путешественник по времени. Вспомогательные материалы: Россия, 11 век.

Uspenskij F. The Baptism of Bones and Prima Signatio in Medieval Scandinavia and Rus' . In: Between Paganism and Christianity in the North. 2009. 219 pgs.

Опись А, №21849.


Table of contents:
Introduction /

Jens Peter Schjødt, Diversity and Its Consequences for the Study of Old Norse Religion: What Is It We Are Trying to Reconstruct? /

Leszek P. Slupecki, Pagan Temple - Christian Church: The Problem of Old Norse Temples /

Pernille Hermann, The Construction of Iceland as a Meaningful Location /

Przemyslaw Kulesza, Vikings in the Latin Poetry of the Carolingian Period /

Rudolf Simek, Mythological Poetry in Iceland and France in the 12th Century /

Asdís Egilsdottir, Pagan Poetry Meets Christianity /

Jakub Morawiec, Liðsmannaflokkr: The Question of Its Potential Function and the Audience of the Poem /

John Mckinnell, 'Am I My Brother's Keeper?': Murderous Brothers in Ynglingatal and Elsewhere /

Szymon Wierzbinski, The Symbolic Significance of Skjöldr and Scyld /

David Ashurst, Attitudes to Kings, Law and Election in the Old Norse Translation of 1 Maccabees /

Armann Jakobsson, 'Er Saturnús er kallaðr en vér köllum Frey': The Roman Spring of the Old Norse Gods /

Fjodor Uspenskij, The Baptism of Bones and Prima Signatio in Medieval Scandinavia and Rus' /

Wojciech Bedynski, The Christianisation of Northumbria and Saints Cuthbert and Wilfrid /

Leszek Gardela, A Biography of the Seiðr-Staffs: Towards an Archaeology of Emotions

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