MacGregor, Kirk R. A Historical and Theological Investigation of John's Gospel. Springer International: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020.
Кирк Макгрегор родился около 1980 года, живёт в Канзасе, окончил университет в Айове, преподает в колледже Макферсон философию и религию. Автор 6 книг: о Тиллихе, де Молина, сравнение буддизма и христианства в 17 в. и пр.
Жена Лара - пресвитерианский пастор в том же Макферсоне, Канзас.
Paul Tillich and Religious Socialism: Towards a Kingdom of Peace and Justice (2021),
A Historical and Theological Investigation of John’s Gospel (2020),
Contemporary Theology: An Introduction—Classical, Evangelical, Philosophical, and Global Perspectives (2019),
Luis de Molina: The Life and Theology of the Founder of Middle Knowledge (2015),
A Comparative Study of Adjustments to Social Catastrophes in Christianity and Buddhism: The Black Death in Europe and the Kamakura Takeover in Japan as Causes of Religious Reform (2011),
A Molinist-Anabaptist Systematic Theology (2007),
A Central European Synthesis of Radical and Magisterial Reform: The Sacramental Theology of Balthasar Hubmaier (2006).
Со-редактор сборников: Calvinism and Middle Knowledge: A Conversation (2019) и Perspectives on Eternal Security: Biblical, Historical, and Philosophical (2009).
Опись А, №30718.